Sunday, May 28, 2006

Was the Potato Famine Genocide?

I've been reading and watched a VHS on Irish history about it. I don't think cold blooded deliberate genocide, (though Moriarty and many Irish would beg to differ). It was more misguided policies, but I can't help but think many in Her Majesty Government were relieved at fewer tenants to make the land work. Much like the Highland Clearances in Scotland. There, the lords wanted the lands to be sheep ranching and game preserves, which were much more profitable.

To feed so many people, farming in Ireland had become inefficient. No question, the government would not have said this in so many words, but they were relieved farming could be made more efficient with fewer people. One lord, Lord Madden actually paid the passage to Quebec for his tenants. It was cheaper for him to do that and use the land for other purposes.

The famine also changed much of the culture of this communal people. It forced people to not take care of their neighbors and become more self centered to survive. This is how I built my character where he gives the people working for him just enough. All they want is food, drink and a roof over their heads. It has happened in history. I will give you two examples.

In Haiti, under Papa Doc Duvalier. The Tonton Macoutes were his secret police. Most of them was poor peasant boys given a little more food and some power.

Romania right after the execution of Nicolae Ceaucescu. The miners who broke up student demonstrations. You can build a sort of Pretorian Guard this way.

I made my character such he plays on this. He realizes he is smarter than the others around him and uses this.

The famine certainly changed Ireland and the Irish. Was it Genocide? Again, it depends on the viewer.

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