Thursday, June 08, 2006

Is the Potato Famine the Dominating Theme for the Irish?

You will have to take the following from whence it comes. It was something I found in an obscure Irish Marxist journal (how many of us pay attention to Marxism)? :-) What caught my eye was the information about the Famine. The article claimed psychologically the Famine is the one thing that unites all Irishmen worldwide.

I'd have to agree the Famine more than say the Book of Kells. (How many Irish know what the Book of Kells are)? What about St. Patrick? Surely he is up there in the pantheon of Irish awareness.

I've been to Poland and stayed with colleagues and friends of my father. For Poles, there is no question what the most defining thing in their history. Pope John Paul. He outranks Copernicus.
Anyone following the news saw what it was like when the Pope died last year.

What is it for Ireland though? St. Patrick has influence obviously because of Christianity. I leave it to you the reader to determine how much influence the Famine has and how much did it change Irish culture.



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