Wednesday, April 28, 2010

BBC America now broadcasts old episodes of Star Trek the Next Generation. The guest was a scientist and baseball fan in a dream replaying the October 3rd, 1951 National League Playoff game between the Brooklyn Dodgers and the New York Giants in upper Manhattan's Polo Grounds. My parents were Brooklyn Dodgers fans and it is almost sixty years later but heartbreaking. The following is Giant broadcaster Russ Hodges' call of Bobby Thomson's at bat against pitcher Ralph Branca.

"Bobby Thomson... up there swingin'... He's had two out of three, a single and a double, and Billy Cox is playing him right on the third-base line... One out, last of the ninth... Branca pitches... Bobby Thomson takes a strike called on the inside corner... Bobby hitting at .292... He's had a single and a double and he drove in the Giants' first run with a long fly to center... Brooklyn leads it 4-2...Hartung down the line at third not taking any chances... Lockman with not too big of a lead at second, but he'll be runnin' like the wind if Thomson hits one... Branca throws... [audible sound of bat meeting ball]

There's a long drive... it's gonna be, I believe...THE GIANTS WIN THE PENNANT!! THE GIANTS WIN THE PENNANT! THE GIANTS WIN THE PENNANT! THE GIANTS WIN THE PENNANT! Bobby Thomson hits into the lower deck of the left-field stands! The Giants win the pennant and they're goin' crazy, they're goin' crazy! HEEEY-OH!!!'' [ten-second pause for crowd noise]

I don't believe it! I don't believe it! I do not believe it! Bobby Thomson... hit a line drive... into the lower deck... of the left-field stands... and this blame place is goin' crazy! The Giants! Horace Stoneham has got a winner! The Giants won it... by a score of 5 to 4... and they're pickin' Bobby Thomson up... and carryin' him off the field!"

Glad Dad was not here with me watching that Star Trek episode. I can hear it now. Sixty years removed and I STILL can't escape it.


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