Sunday, June 25, 2006

Irish vs. Blacks in America.

I cover much of the Irish attitude in the 19th Century toward African-Americans. In the mid 19th Century, most African Americans were enslaved and in the Southern States. Very few were in New York or Boston. The African Americans that were there in many cases competed with Irish fleeing the Famine for jobs.

Read the novel by Kevin Baker called Paradise Alley. It is about the 1863 Draft Riots in New York City. The Federal Government had to start a draft. A wealthy man could spend $300 and purchase a replacement. (Theodore Roosevelt's father did just that).

This was in July, 1863, just after the Emancipation Proclamation. Poverty stricken Irish saw it as they were going to fight and die to free African-Americans, who would then come North to take their jobs.
Just that simple at the time.

Some Blogs
From the Boston Globe

From the Library of Congress



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