Sunday, August 06, 2006

Historic Figures in the Novel.

Nathaniel Banks

Frederick Douglass

Sigmund Freud

William Lloyd Garrison

Thomas Nast

Oscar Wilde

I wanted to show the biographies of some of the folks I borrowed for the novel. More will be added eventually.

Thursday, August 03, 2006

Does Sherlock Holmes Really Want to Capture Moriarty?

In some ways no. Why do I say that? I suspect for Holmes, Moriarty is like another one of the narcotics Holmes uses. Moriarty is the most interesting criminal Holmes has ever dealt with. Holmes takes the drugs when his mind is not occupied. In that sense, Holmes needs Moriarty!

Holmes must eventually catch Moriarty in order to not be seen as having failed. It reminds me of the Gilbert and Sullivan Operetta, the Mikado when Katisha thinks the executioner has killed Nanki Poo and she cries "Where shall I find another?" In Holmes' mind, he will never meet another challenge like Moriarty.

Did Holmes want to kill Moriarty? No! Moriarty's going for that fatal swim is not what Holmes wanted at all. Holmes wanted to be able to bring Moriarty back to England in shackles and deliver him to British Justice. Holmes wanted to be able to see Moriarty tried on a capital charge and then be able to attend his hanging.

Moriarty certainly did not want to die at the Falls. If a camera could have followed him like a bungee jump, he probably would have thought before he blacked out, better this than Holmes taking him back Britain, humiliating him, and then having hated British justice finish him off.

I've read about many Serial and Spree killers such as Andrew Cunanan or Herbert Baumeister who will kill themselves to avoid capture. This way, they are in control, even to the end. If Moriarty were cornered, rather than shoved over the falls, might he have taken his own life instead, with his own version of falling on his sword? Food for thought.

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Holmes vs. Moriarty, The War Between Them.

Before a boxing match, you would have the comparisons between the fighters. It is known as the "tale of the tape."

This post is what drives them and how they stack up. I will also throw some other characters from the stories in and see how they fit.

Well, let's start with the bad boy himself. Some of this I am borrowing from how to plot character, others from the first book Python comedian John Cleese wrote with his therapist Dr. Robin Skynner.

They discussed four main emotions:

What drives Moriarty? Anger is probably the main emotion. He already has the anger in him. His parents, especially his mother feed that anger with basically telling him it is his duty to grow up and save Ireland. A sort of "anti super hero role." I tried to ask myself, is he jealous of what the British Empire has or does he desire to become part of the British establishment?
He certainly does not want to be poor, but it is not as though he will become rich and suddenly support the British establishment. That rules out jealousy. for this issue only. He wants to destroy them, not enjoy what they have.
So where is Moriarty jealous? Holmes! He resents Holmes fame. He wants revenge for Holmes blocking his plots. Mycroft is hated as an extension of Holmes.
Moriarty has cruelty in spades. The anger in him drives him to unspeakable acts. His mother and father are angry, but carry it out in different ways.
He is anxious about getting caught and succeeding. In some ways, I am not sure Moriarty is sure what "success" would really mean. An independent Ireland? Millions of dead British? If he achieved all his aims, could he turn the violence off? I tend to think he could not.

Now his nemesis Sherlock Holmes.
Holmes is angry at those who commit offenses. Jealousy does not seem to be a major role for Holmes. Holmes is part of the establishment and well off in his own right. He is anxious about not failing and solving his cases. For Holmes Moriarty is the most intriguing problem, but just that, a problem to be solved.

Where does Dr. Watson come into this? Money is not an issue. Jealousy? "Watson, you are a British jury," cries. In other words, the British everyman and enough to make Moriarty positively jump up and down with rage. Watson is the proper British gentleman. He hates Moriarty just for that reason. He is anxious for Holmes safety and makes it clear he would dearly love to shoot Moriarty like a rabid dog.

Professor Moriarty's wife Ana? Anger runs in her family. The emotions come out like a torrent when the Professor is killed.

There is a lot of emotion here. It is swirling like a constant storm.

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Never Underestimate The Power of a Woman: The Two Mrs. Moriartys!

I have two powerful women in Moriarty's Life. I will begin with his mother, Mary Katherine. I modeled her on the Maureen O'Hara character in the movie the Quiet Man, with John Wayne. Red hair, fiery blue eyes and oh what an attitude! She is what guides Moriarty into becoming much of what he is. She is willful, combative, smart and what you might call a handful.

The second is his wife, Ana. Ana is his mother with coffee colored skin. I have sort of made her a stereotype in some ways. She is the fiery Latina. She is also very bright. Both women really have a lot in common. Their looks are really the main difference.

I didn't make his mother as evil. She is more angry and wants her son to get back for Ireland. She really has no interests for herself. Her interests are for building an independent Ireland that has respect.

I don't have Ana as a really political person yet. Moriarty makes her that way and in the sequel, I will develop that further. Ana is more cruel than Moriarty's mother. Again, not sure if she would be considered sociopathic or whether my psychologist friends would have to look over her character more carefully. Just wait until Moriarty is killed by Holmes. Mrs. Moriarty will give cruelty and mayhem new meaning.

Switzerland Reichenbach Falls and Moriarty's Watery Roiling End.

Website in Sherlock Holmes' Swiss Footsteps

What a rugged place! I would not have chosen it for a final meeting if I thought for a minute the discussion would become violent. In military planning, you would not have chosen such a spot.


Moriarty New Mexico

Official Site for Moriarty New Mexico

Let's see what the town fathers think of my book. Will certainly publicize it there...

From Wikipedia


Why is Moriarty Called Professor?

In some stories he is a University Professor. I have him being called Professor more as a title of honor for his brilliance, much like someone being called a Kentucky Colonel.

(Someone from Kentucky may be happy to correct me on that score).


Mrs. Moriarty?

I am already plotting the sequel and my publisher has the idea. I will just let you know, she is even meaner. You thought he was bad? Remember the scene in the beginning of the Wizard of Oz. The house lands on the Wicked Witch of the East. The Wicked Witch of the West shows up. "Who killed my sister? Was it you"? Then Glinda the Good Witch is a little too cheerful when she points and says you killed The Wicked Witch of the East. That's the Wicked Witch of the West. She is even meaner.

Well I have created Mrs. Moriarty, the Bride of Frankenstein only prettier. Mrs. Moriarty is partly based on a friend of mine for her competence and beauty, not meaness. The new President of my Toastmasters Club, Conquistador Toastmasters

When you click on the website, you will see her picture there. There is the model for Mrs. Moriarty. I already have her carrying out much of the Professors evil plans...

OK, having said all this, what would have brought Professor and Mrs. Moriarty together? They are from different parts of the world, different temprement and upbrining. Because I am a Monty Python addict, I had to bring in the first book John Cleese wrote with his therapist and friend Robin Skynner, Families and How to Survive Them. I have been thumbing through the book again and started to realize some things.
Well what brings people together? Looks? Money? Social Status? Mrs. Moriarty was supposed to have an arranged marriage before the Professor shows up. You married as Dr. Skynner put it in the book for sensible reasons such as land, money, social climbing. Falling in love? Madness! OK, let's talk about "chemistry." I am rereading the book and now I can formulate this even better. Both Moriarty's have strong parents and it is the one from the opposite sex (his mother, her father). Both have a passionate streak. They somehow picked that up in each other. Ana's father is appauled by Moriarty at first. You know the old saying though, money talks? Her father is a violent man and understands wealth. When Moriarty slays Don Miguel in a duel and shows how wealthy he is, suddenly Moriarty is acceptable. In other words, the chemistry between the two lovebirds can now be accepted, because sensible reasons have kicked in.
It is bad for the world, but Mr and Mrs. Moriarty work well together.

Moriarty and New Mexico

New Mexico from Wikipedia

New Mexico Tourism Department

Official State Website

How do Professor Moriarty and New Mexico have anything to do with each other? Well there is a town East of Albuquerque along Interstate 40 called Moriarty, New Mexico. I've invented that as Moriarty's new home.

Remember Sherlock Holmes is always having trouble finding Moriarty. The supposedly greatest detective ever can never get his hands on him. Why? Because Professor Moriarty has set up shop where he can control things. Moriarty's real home becomes La Tierra Encanta, The Land of Enchantment or New Mexico.

I am reading a biography called Kingfish about Louisiana politician Huey Long. Ol' Huey could have learned some things from the Professor.

Moriarty's biggest mistake? Meeting Holmes in Switzerland. Always have sure footing if you do. One slip and...
