Thursday, August 03, 2006

Moriarty and New Mexico

New Mexico from Wikipedia

New Mexico Tourism Department

Official State Website

How do Professor Moriarty and New Mexico have anything to do with each other? Well there is a town East of Albuquerque along Interstate 40 called Moriarty, New Mexico. I've invented that as Moriarty's new home.

Remember Sherlock Holmes is always having trouble finding Moriarty. The supposedly greatest detective ever can never get his hands on him. Why? Because Professor Moriarty has set up shop where he can control things. Moriarty's real home becomes La Tierra Encanta, The Land of Enchantment or New Mexico.

I am reading a biography called Kingfish about Louisiana politician Huey Long. Ol' Huey could have learned some things from the Professor.

Moriarty's biggest mistake? Meeting Holmes in Switzerland. Always have sure footing if you do. One slip and...



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