Thursday, August 03, 2006

Mrs. Moriarty?

I am already plotting the sequel and my publisher has the idea. I will just let you know, she is even meaner. You thought he was bad? Remember the scene in the beginning of the Wizard of Oz. The house lands on the Wicked Witch of the East. The Wicked Witch of the West shows up. "Who killed my sister? Was it you"? Then Glinda the Good Witch is a little too cheerful when she points and says you killed The Wicked Witch of the East. That's the Wicked Witch of the West. She is even meaner.

Well I have created Mrs. Moriarty, the Bride of Frankenstein only prettier. Mrs. Moriarty is partly based on a friend of mine for her competence and beauty, not meaness. The new President of my Toastmasters Club, Conquistador Toastmasters

When you click on the website, you will see her picture there. There is the model for Mrs. Moriarty. I already have her carrying out much of the Professors evil plans...

OK, having said all this, what would have brought Professor and Mrs. Moriarty together? They are from different parts of the world, different temprement and upbrining. Because I am a Monty Python addict, I had to bring in the first book John Cleese wrote with his therapist and friend Robin Skynner, Families and How to Survive Them. I have been thumbing through the book again and started to realize some things.
Well what brings people together? Looks? Money? Social Status? Mrs. Moriarty was supposed to have an arranged marriage before the Professor shows up. You married as Dr. Skynner put it in the book for sensible reasons such as land, money, social climbing. Falling in love? Madness! OK, let's talk about "chemistry." I am rereading the book and now I can formulate this even better. Both Moriarty's have strong parents and it is the one from the opposite sex (his mother, her father). Both have a passionate streak. They somehow picked that up in each other. Ana's father is appauled by Moriarty at first. You know the old saying though, money talks? Her father is a violent man and understands wealth. When Moriarty slays Don Miguel in a duel and shows how wealthy he is, suddenly Moriarty is acceptable. In other words, the chemistry between the two lovebirds can now be accepted, because sensible reasons have kicked in.
It is bad for the world, but Mr and Mrs. Moriarty work well together.


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